Take Ten to Write

“New Beginnings”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: Write a story titled “New Beginnings”.

I watch as the snow falls around me, coating the entire valley in a blanket of white. Everything seems so peaceful, so pure.

Below in the valley, civilians scurry about, carrying logs and stones. They’re repairing their houses, collecting food for the long winter ahead.

I head down the mountain, slowly picking my way through the rocks as to not slip. When I reach the village, everyone immediately stops in their tracks. They look up at me with wide eyes before dropping to their knees.

I help them rise. While I don’t like them so openly showing their worship for me, I know that it’s just their way of showing their respect and thankfulness.

I smile at each one of them and shake their hand. These are my people now. They might call me their hero, but the truth is, I played a very small part in all the heroics.

It had been my brother who had truly saved them. Saved us.

If only he could be here now, to see what he made possible. The smiles. The laughter.

The life.

As I walk among the villagers, they greet me with an enthusiasm and joy that I’ve never seen before. My heart fills with pride: my little brother made this all possible.

I join the village chief as the rest of the villagers gather around. He hands me a glass filled to the brim.

“To new beginnings,” he announces, raising his own glass.

He’s met with a cheer filled with something I haven’t heard in a long time:


Final Comments: I loved writing this. I actually wasn’t sure where I wanted to go with this story when I first began. But after I wrote for a bit, the words started flowing more easily and I really enjoyed imagining this scene.

Overall Rating: 😊

Let me know your thoughts!