“NaNoWriMo 2020 Pt. 3”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Additional note: In honour of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), all 30 stories written in the month of November will (hopefully) create a single multi-part story that will reach its conclusion by the end of the month. Stay tuned for a new story part every day!
Read the compiled NaNoWriMo TTtW story here!
Prompt: Write a story that includes the phrase “Just tell me the truth!”
I’ve decided: I’m leaving. Today. Right now, in fact.
Which also means that now it’s time for the tricky part. The escape.
Vinny’s probably awake already, smoking whatever they looted from the last trip into town. Unfortunately, he’s the one that’s the real danger to me. Literally anyone else would’ve been fine, but Vinny would rather shoot me than let me leave with any of the group’s supplies.
So, I’ve got to do this carefully. Very carefully. Which, I’ll admit, isn’t one of my strongest suits.
Still, I think that I can muster the tiniest bit of carefulness to make it out of here alive.
I slip out of my tent, trying to make as little sound as possible, and head to the back entrance of the camp. It’s Dana’s surveillance shift, and she probably won’t question me heading out with a massive backpack.
As I creep through the camp, the stench of tobacco catches in my nostrils. I feel it claw its way down my throat and eventually settling there.
My eyes bug out as I try not to cough. But it’s too late.
I blink and Vinny’s standing in front of me, smoke surrounding him.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he spits. A drop of saliva flies from his mouth and lands on my cheek.
I curl my lip in disgust but don’t bother wiping it off. His next words will just send more saliva my way anyhow.
“I was going to check the supplies,” I say.
“Just tell me the truth!” he roars, towering over me. His eyes are wide and I can sense the rage building in him.
And, me being the stupid person that I am, I do the exact opposite of the most logical thing.
I’ll probably regret it later. But at least I’ll be free.
Final Comments: Hmm, this one was a bit rocky…
Overall Rating: 😖

“NaNoWriMo 2020 Pt. 2”

“NaNoWriMo 2020 Pt. 4”
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