Take Ten to Write

“NaNoWriMo 2020 Pt. 28”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Additional note: In honour of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), all 30 stories written in the month of November will (hopefully) create a single multi-part story that will reach its conclusion by the end of the month. Stay tuned for a new story part every day!

Read the compiled NaNoWriMo TTtW story here!

Prompt: “Write about a hole in the street that is a portal that takes you back in time.” — suggested by Mary


As Winston’s eyes bore into me, I find that I’m at a loss for words. I mean, I did just get overloaded with Maddie’s insane theory and now the big boss man wants to talk to me? I just don’t really know what–or how–to think.

“Come, Mason,” Winston says, apparently not caring that I’m in a state of shock right now. “Maddison, I trust that you will be able to finish your work by yourself.”

Maddie scowls before turning away. She shoots me a glance before disappearing back down the staircase.

Great, now I’m alone with Winston.

“Come along,” Winston says, waving to me like I’m a dog that he’s telling to heel.

Still, I follow him. If he really is in charge here like Maddie says then maybe he’ll tell me how to get off this island.

As we weave through the crowds of people, I keep an eye out for Skye. Obviously there’s no way of knowing if she’s even here, but I can’t help but hope to see a familiar face.

Finally, we head back inside and go up a whole bunch of stairs before entering an expensive-looking office. Winston pushes open the door and I walk inside.

Honestly, I’m scared to even touch anything. I’m pretty sure every single item in here costs at least a thousand dollars.

“Please, sit,” Winston says with a smile, gesturing to the couch.

I sit down slowly, expecting it to collapse beneath me. Luckily, it doesn’t.

Winston sits down beside me, obviously much more at ease than I am. He turns to me with a smile.

“So, Mason,” he says, “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

I frown. “You have?”

“Oh yes,” he says, his voice strangely pleasant. Too pleasant. “You see, I have had the pleasure of working with someone who knows you well.”

Immediately, I perk up. Skye is here?!

“However,” Winston continues, “before I let you two reunite, I do have a few questions for you.”

I scowl. Seriously? He’s making me wait to see Skye? I can’t believe it.

Before I can protest, Winston says, “You were alone since the beginning of the apocalypse until just recently, correct?”

My eyes narrow but I nod.

“And you have not been seriously injured in any way, correct?”

I nod again.

Winston’s eyes narrow in thought. “Very interesting. Well, thank you for your responses. I will now let you two reunite.”

Without explanation, he walks out of the room. The door closes behind him and I’m left alone.

A moment passes and I let out a frustrated sigh. I really shouldn’t trust him. Maddie warned me about him, and yet I just freely gave him answers to questions he was obviously interested in.

Just as I’m about to get up and leave, the door swings open again. I freeze.

I must’ve been swallowed by a magical portal that brought me back in time, because that’s the only reasonable explanation for why I’m seeing my perfectly healthy and very much alive brother walking toward me.

Final Comments: Ooh and the plot thickens…

Overall Rating: 😊

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