“My Mission. My Responsibility.”
The Heart thumps in the distance, faintly glowing through the fog. The gnarled veins of black granite shudder as they struggle to hold it in place.
It shouldn’t still be alive. It should’ve died with the body long ago. And yet, here it is. Thumping. Pounding. Very much alive.
The cavern groans. The Heart is working. It’s reawakening Its body. Its Titan.
The ground trembles beneath my feet. The Heart pumps faster. Rocks tumble from the wall. My arms fling up, covering my head. A boulder crumbles to the ground before me, chunks of stone flinging at my legs. Pain shoots up through my entire body. My hand reaches down and comes back up red.
I don’t bother healing it. There’s no point. Not anymore.
A flick of my wrist and my spear appears in my hand. I drop to a knee and take a deep breath.
I had volunteered for this mission. The Titan is my responsibility. The fate of the world rests on my shoulders.
I fix my sight on the Heart. The glow has brightened. The beating has quickened.
It’s now or never. My knuckles are white around my spear as I launch myself forward.
I speed toward the heart, teeth gritted against the pressure of the air trying to stop me from hitting my mark. I fight back with equal determination.
This is my mission. My responsibility.
The Heart approaches. My spear raises. My eyes close.
And the world explodes.
P.S. If you haven’t read today’s blog post yet, check it out here!
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