Take Ten to Write

“My Life On A Canvas”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Photo prompt by Duy Thanh Nguyen on Unsplash

I step back to admire my past year’s work. An entire year, devoted entirely to this project. Whenever I wasn’t eating or sleeping or–let’s be real–going to the bathroom, I was working on this piece. And let me just say, it’s glorious.

Honestly, when I was younger, I never understood the appeal of art. I was never an artist, nor was I interested in looking at art. I wanted nothing to do with it.

But when I started going to university, I found that I had a lot of spare time on my hands. Sure, I could’ve been studying, but who wants to do that?

So, my friend convinced me to take this art class. I only went because I had literally nothing else to do. And you know what? I’ve never been happier that I went to something. Because that class showed me my true calling.

But to me, art isn’t about the finished product. Sure, I enjoy taking a step back when it’s finished to see what I’ve accomplished, but I think that the most important part of art is the process. Making this piece of art was the only constant in my otherwise chaotic life. As I look at it now, I can see the rise and fall of my emotions. I can see when I enjoyed the art and I can see when I hated the art. I can see when I was having a good day and I can see when I was having a bad day.

I can even pick out individual events that happened during my year. This one especially dark splash is from when my boyfriend broke my heart. This streak of yellow is from the day I adopted my puppy. This splatter of pink is from when my niece came to visit.

This piece of art represents my past year. This tumultuous, chaotic, frantic canvas full of splashes of colour is my life.

But now, with the coming of the new year, it’s time to wipe the canvas clean. It’s time to begin a new painting. A new life.

Final Comments: I’m finding more and more that when I start writing, my mind takes my story somewhere completely different from what I expected. It’s really fun to experience the unexpected!

Overall Rating: 😊

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