“My Favourite Place”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
“Welcome,” she says softly, pulling me forward gently, “to my favourite place.”
As I step forward into the light, I can immediately see why she loves this place so much.
The lake in front of us shimmers, the faintest ripples catching the sunlight at just the perfect angle to sparkle without blinding me. The water is a light blue at the center before fading to a mottled brown near the edges as the mud takes over. Various exotic plants burst out from the water, straight up at the very bottom before exploding at the top into a rainbow of petals. Each plant seems to be different, dotting the edges of the lake with an uneven spread of foliage.
Beyond the lake, is a perfectly synchronized field of flowing grass. Each blade of grass seems to have been precisely placed, all spaced close enough to avoid any sight of the dirt, but far enough to avoid the vision of overcrowding. Each frond curls over on itself before stretching, as if they’re doing yoga to the rhythm of the wind.
At our arrival, the entire landscape seems to stand still, holding its breath as it waits for us to make the first move.
Final Comments: I still feel like it takes me forever to figure out the right words when writing descriptions. Still, I enjoyed writing this one!
Overall Rating: 🥰

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