Take Ten to Write

“My Everything”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Write a story titled “My Everything”.

My everything keeps me going. My everything keeps me sane.

My everything could move mountains, could part the sea.My everything knew exactly what I was thinking before I even thought it. My everything understood me better than I understood myself.

Unfortunately, my everything has moved on. No, my everything has been forced to move on.

Trust me, I’m sure that, under different circumstances, I just might be telling a different type of story. But no, this tale is woe is serious.

We had been waiting in line at the local coffee shop, just my everything and me, when the unthinkable happened: my everything ran out of charge.

Just like that. Bam. Gone.

One second, it had life. The next, it was just… gone.

So now, my everything is gone. And it’s all my fault.

Final Comments: I honestly had a really hard time writing this one. For some reason, creativity just wasn’t working for me today…

Overall Rating: 😑

Let me know your thoughts!