Take Ten to Write

“My Brother”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Music prompt: “Fire Within” by Really Slow Motion


As the word leaves my lips, another burst of fire erupts behind me. Adrenaline kicks in, supercharging my muscles.

I run like I’ll never run again. Which, in all honesty, might be true. But my body doesn’t know that. So it runs.

Jordan zips by me, his long, soccer-trained legs propelling him forward at a much faster pace than my very much out-of-shape ones.

“Come on!” he screams. “Run!”

“What do you think I’m doing?” I shout back. Each breath comes out in a strained huff. When all this is over, I’m going to start working out.

Jordan slows and waits for me to catch up to him. He grabs my hand and begins dragging me along.

Another explosion of fire. It’s so close that I can feel the intensity of the heat on my back.

We’re not going to make it. Not with Jordan dragging me along. Yes, best case scenario, we both survive. Worst case scenario, we both get burnt to a crisp. And honestly, I can see myself tripping in a few seconds and bringing us both down.

“Just go,” I pant.

Jordan shakes his head. “No way.”

“I’m just slowing you down.”

“Or am I speeding you up?”

My lungs scream at me, but I force myself to keep talking. I need to get him to leave me. It’s his only chance.

“Please, Jordan, go.”


My adrenaline burst is almost gone. My lungs burn and my legs shake, but my willpower is as strong as ever. Jordan needs to live.

More fire. More heat.

My eyes fall to our linked hands. I know what I have to do.

“Good-bye, Jordan,” I whisper.


Before he can finish his word, I use my final bit of strength to wrench my hand from his grasp. As I fall backward into the fire, I stare at his face, memorizing every detail. And I smile, because my brother’s face is the best final view I could ever ask for.

Final Comments: I didn’t plan on this one getting so dark…

Overall Rating: 😳

Let me know your thoughts!