Take Ten to Write

“Music of the Night”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life.

Jean Paul

The notes floated past on currents of air, swirling in the breeze and drifting to and fro. The pitches sprang up and down without a care, carrying the melody that a lonely bird sang.

She sang even though there was no one to listen. She sang for herself, because she loved to sing. She sang as if the whole world was hers.

She sang and she transformed.

No more was the lone bird in the night. An orchestra came to life, blooming from the very depths of the forest floor.

The flowers drummed their petals, keeping the beat steady. The grass whistled, harmonizing with the rustling leaves and the clacking twigs.

And in the middle of it all, the soloist rose.

She sang to her heart’s content. Every note that left her beak was pure perfection.

The world was hers for the taking. And oh, did she take it. The entire forest was at the mercy of her enchanting melody, of her radiant beauty.

But when her last note ended, the spell broke. The flowers put away their petals. The grass released their last breath. The trees stilled.

And she became a bird again. A bird who was, in no shape or form, special. At least, not as far as the world could see.

Because she knew better. She knew the power that she held.

She knew how special she was, even if the rest of the world didn’t care to see it.

Final Comments: Music! This was actually an amazing prompt and I’m happy with the imagery that I was able to describe. Plus, a good nature scene is always loads of fun to write.

Overall Rating: 🥰

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