NOTE: This is a multi-part Take Ten to Write story. For the story to make the most sense, read all previous parts first. You can read the compiled story here.
Chapter I · Part III
In short, the yorrowick has absolutely no importance in this story other than to say that it was a monster. A large, scary, otherworldly monster with shaggy white fur and two horns atop its head.
But enough about the yorrowick. What’s important here is the baseball bat.
Because when I reached down to grab it, I couldn’t. My hand passed right through it as though nothing was there at all.
And when the yorrowick (I lied, I suppose, about the importance of the yorrowick) charged straight towards me, and I squeezed my eyes shut, absolutely nothing happened.
I opened my eyes again and the creature was gone. So was the baseball bat. And the boy.
My heart still pounding, I burst from the washroom and barrelled straight into the very same boy who had been unconscious behind me just moments ago.
His hand snaked out to cover my mouth before I could scream and he dragged me back into the washroom.
“To answer your questions,” he said, his fingers still digging into my cheek, “that creature that you just saw is called a yorrowick, which is a creature that exists in another Dimension, and yes, alternate Dimensions exist. You, somehow, have the ability to See into these other Dimensions, just like me. Now, I’m going to let you go. Please don’t scream; I have sensitive ears.”
Of course, as soon as he let me go, my immediate reaction was to scream just to spite him, because seriously, he expects me to believe this nonsense? But I didn’t scream. Instead, I asked, in a voice of socially appropriate volume for an echoey indoor space, “Who exactly do you think you are?”
He smirked and held out his hand to shake. “You can call me Walker.”
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October 5, 2020
“Her Arrival”
August 4, 2021
love the personality of the protagonist coming through in this one! 🙂 fun
Jezlyn Lang
Thanks! 😊 I’m enjoying writing for her!