Take Ten to Write

“Monkey Pie”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

“Write a recipe for making banana pie with a chocolate crust that you can feed to monkeys.”

prompt suggested by Mary

Monkey pie recipe

Makes: 1 pie
Serves: 0.25 monkeys


  • Bananas (15, peeled and cored)
  • Chocolate chips (200)
  • All-purpose flour (5 cups)
  • All-purpose flowers (5 cups)
  • Water (10 cups)
  • Sugar (15 cups)
  • Brown sugar (15 cups)
  • Cinnamon (2.89 tablespoons)
  • Fleas (17)


  1. Preheat kiln to 800° (C or F).
  2. Begin by mixing all ingredients together in a large teapot.
  3. Pour mixture into a teacup saucer. If experiencing difficulties pouring smoothly, add dehydrated blueberries until extra chunky.
  4. Shake thoroughly until settled.
  5. Let rest for exactly 1.392 hours. This will allow the crust to sink to the bottom and let the filling float to the top.
  6. Bake until a fire begins.
  7. Wait until fire department arrives and extinguishes the fire.
  8. Remove pie from oven. Feed to monkey with a side of carrots (see recipe here).
  9. Repeat until monkey is satisfied.

Final Comments: I don’t really bake that often, so this one was interesting to write. I tried adding in some ridiculous elements to lighten the mood, but I’m not sure if they really worked…

Overall Rating: 😣


Let me know your thoughts!