Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
“A unicorn tries to figure out a spell to make friends.”
suggested by Mary
Mistmane stood at the edge of the clearing, watching all the other foals playing together. She let out a deep sigh; she wished she could join them, but she was just too shy to approach them.
Sadly, she turned away, her hooves dragging on the ground. She wished with all her heart that she could have a friend, but no one seemed to want to play with her.
As she walked through the forest, Mistmane lost track of time. Soon, she was in a part of the forest that she didn’t recognize.
Suddenly, her head was jerked backward. The tip of her horn was snagged in a vine! She let out an alarmed whinny and reared onto her hind legs to try to get free.
A voice rang out: “Stop!”
Mistmane froze in place, one hoof still raised. She looked around cautiously but she couldn’t see anyone.
A bush in front of her quivered and out stepped a little boy. Mistmane instinctively began to back away, but the vines wrapped around her horn wouldn’t allow her to go far.
“Please, don’t be afraid,” the little boy said, his voice gentle and calm. “Struggling just makes weedvines hold on tighter.”
Mistmane took a deep breath to try to remain calm and stay still. Sure enough, the weedvines began slowly releasing her horn.
As soon as the vines had completely retreated back into the trees, Mistmane let out a triumphant whinny. She was free!
The little boy laughed, suddenly reminding Mistmane that he was there. She reared slightly and back away from him.
“No, please don’t be afraid,” the little boy repeated. “I promise I won’t hurt you.”
Mistmane felt as though she could trust this little boy. She slowly walked toward him.
“What are you doing in this part of the forest?” the little boy asked.
“My hooves just brought me here,” Mistmane replied softly. “I was lonely, you see.”
The little boy nodded. “It makes sense that your hooves brought you to the Deep Forest then,” he said. “Many lonely people and creatures end up here.”
Final Comments: Okay, so my time ran out with this one, right when I was getting to the part where I actually include the prompt! I might continue this one and make it into a short story…
Overall Rating: 🤗

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