Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Write a story titled “Memorize”.
Alright, listen closely. Your task is simple: You must memorize the following. Yes, that’s correct; all you have to do is remember a few simple sentences. Then, you will take this information and relay it to Sergeant Edwards.
Ah, good question. He is currently stationed in Paris. Yes, I do realize that you will need to cross an ocean in order to reach him. It will give you more time to fully commit the message to memory.
No, soldier, you may not write down the message. The instructions were perfectly clear: No writing, typing, texting, or otherwise inscribing the following message anywhere. This piece of paper that I am holding with the message written on it will be burned immediately after I have relayed it to you.
Are you ready, soldier? I will give you the message in three parts. Here is the first:
The long-haired hamster traitors are located at -5.80303, -112.58745.
Alright, time for the second part. Do you need a minute? No? Good, let’s continue. The second part is as follows:
Deploy all woolly bear caterpillar troops on the magpies at exactly 0500.
I trust that I do not need to repeat that one. Excellent, let’s move onto the final part.
Rendezvous with the soprano whistlers at -173.81075, 10.39204 at exactly 1600.
Soldier, the message is now completely yours. I will burn this paper now in front of you so that you know that there is no possible alternate copy. I also assure you that there is no possible way that I could’ve memorized such a complicated message.
You have three days to relay this message to Sergeant Edwards. Go now, soldier, and good luck.
Final Comments: I love writing nonsense…
Overall Rating: 😏

"His First Question"

"The Smell"
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