“Maybe Not a Bad Thing”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: “I never said that.”
“You promised, Valerie!”
I groan at my little brother’s annoying whine. “I never promised,” I snap. “You wanna know how I know? Because I never promise you anything. Ever. And you wanna know why I don’t ever promise you anything? Because you’re an annoying little brat!”
He’s been backing into a corner as I’ve been talking, which suits me perfectly fine. Then again, I know exactly what’s coming next, and I’m dreading it.
His tiny face scrunches up and his lips start quivering. Tears start collecting in his eyes and I can see a little dribble coming from his nose.
He starts screaming. “Mom! Dad! Valerie’s being mean again!”
I roll my eyes. “Seriously, Connor, grow up. You can’t keep having a tantrum every time something doesn’t go your way.”
Still, I slump down onto the couch to wait for my doom. Of course, as the ‘responsible older sister’, I’ll be held responsible for making my precious baby brother cry.
I just wish that, for once in my brother’s life, my parents would see my brother for what he truly is. A brat. A spoiled, whiny, pathetic brat.
In fact, I wish a great many things. Like for my brother to disappear forever so that I wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore.
I stew on the couch while Connor continues wailing in his corner.
I sigh. My parents should be here by now, yelling at me and taking away my phone privileges for a month for upsetting their favourite child. Connor’s crying has reduced to those ridiculous hiccough-sobs, as if he’s realizing too now that something’s wrong.
“Mom? Dad?” Connor calls, his voice hoarse.
I sit up. Okay, something’s definitely wrong.
But honestly, I’m not so sure that it’s a bad thing.
Final Comments: This actually gave me an idea for an interesting character dynamic… Hmm…
Overall Rating: 😏


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