“Make It On Time”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Write a story titled “Make It On Time”
Time is funny, isn’t it? I mean, once it passes, you can never have it back again. You age, and you can never get your youth back, because time only ever goes forward and never backward.
But what if you could go back in time? What if you could invent a time machine that would ensure that you could manipulate time however you wanted, whenever you wanted?
On the other hand, I can see a number of problems with time machines. First of all, would you really be able to escape ageing? I mean, it’ll take years, if not decades, to actually build this so-called time machine, and then what? Would it actually make you young again once you used it? I think not. So, there’s problem number one: Ageing is inevitable, so why try to fight it? What would be the point of creating a time machine if you couldn’t stay young?
The next problem is, of course, the obvious timeline conundrum. There have been so many theories already about how time machines would work, about how these different time loops would co-exist, or not co-exist. Personally, I have absolutely no idea what would happen. Would your mind cease to exist if you ran into yourself in the past? Would you create an alternate timeline? The possibilities are endless, which I think is part of the beauty of the concept of time.
With all that being said, I’ve also got to acknowledge the opportunities that come with a time machine. Imagine being able to go back in time, knowing what you know now. You’d be able to advance the technological knowledge of the world! (Of course, this would be inadvisable, seeing as you would be stealing other people’s ideas.) You’d be able to experience historical and future events first-hand, to see the world from a different pair of eyes. You’d never be late, or early, again. Time would cease to exist.
But then, doesn’t that defeat the purpose of life? The beauty of life? To live in the present, is that not a gift for creatures like us humans? To be able to experience just one life, to treasure this life because we know that we only get one chance?
I think that everything exists for a reason, including time. To waste our precious moments to try to make a piece of technology that could potentially decrease the value of life is, I think, a waste. Time should be enjoyed as is. Life should be enjoyed as is.
We only get one life, so we should make the most of our time.
Final Comments: I think that this is the first piece of non-fiction I’ve written as a Take Ten to Write story. I guess I just kind of went on a mini rant here…
Overall Rating: 🤨

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