Take Ten to Write

“Made in Canada”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Write a story titled “Made in Canada”.

Have you ever wished for an object that could instantly fulfill your every dream, no matter how strange or impossible?

If so, the product you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived! Introducing…

The Insta-Wish!

With a simple voice command, the Insta-Wish will instantly fulfill your every desire. It’s really as simple as that!

So, how does it work?

The Insta-Wish is wirelessly connected to WishNet, a network that interprets the commands of your Insta-Wish. Within seconds, your voice command is relayed to the WishCenter and our army of AIs will find the best matching product or service based on your purchase history and reviews. Next, your Insta-Wish will place an order or book an appointment at your next available convenience. If you ordered a product, there is a next-day delivery guarantee!

The Insta-Wish is made in Canada and is currently only being sold in local stores. Be sure to look for the Insta-Wish at your nearest department store!

Now, for a limited time only, the Insta-Wish is being sold for only $999.99 CAD! That’s half the usual price!

So, don’t delay! Get your Insta-Wish today for Insta-Satisfaction!

Final Comments: Another product for sale… This one was actually a lot of fun to write; as you can probably tell by now, I love making up nonsense! Now, for the important question: Would you want an Insta-Wish? Leave a comment down below!

Overall Rating: 😋

Let me know your thoughts!