“Lost at Sea”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
The water shimmers as we drift through the ocean. It’s been several days since we lost our ship, and this sorry excuse for a raft won’t last us much longer.
“Any land yet?” Dustin croaks. I glance over at him and see that he’s flopped over on the other side of the raft, one arm dragging in the water.
I barely have the energy to shake my head. “Nothing.”
He groans and drops his head down onto the raft. His eyes are dull and I can tell that he’s close to giving up. I don’t blame him; I can feel my own body shutting down.
Suddenly, a voice pierces the air. It’s singing.
Dustin’s head pops back up. His eyes are bright and alert. He looks around wildly. “Where’s that coming from?”
I copy his movements, squinting through the glare across the water. “I have no idea.”
The voice has got to be the most beautiful and smooth voice I’ve ever heard. It washes over me, relaxing me and heightening my senses all at once.
I continue searching for the mysterious singer. She’s got to be real; after all, Dustin can hear her too.
“There!” Dustin cries, pointing down at the water.
I look at him with exasperation. “You’re delirious,” I mutter. “There’s no way she’s underwater.”
Dustin continues frantically pointing downward. I let out a sigh and agonizingly drag myself over to him. The raft tilts slightly and I stop for a moment to regain my balance. When it steadies itself, I continue crawling over until I’m right beside him.
“What?” I snap.
I follow Dustin’s finger and see the face of a gorgeous woman staring straight back at me. A smile glows on her face as her lips create that heavenly song.
She reaches out a hand toward me. I want to take it so badly, to bring her up onto the raft with us.
I reach out my hand. Movement beside me startles me. I glance over and see that Dustin’s doing the same. I frown at him, but he ignores me. Not to be outdone, I reach down.
The raft lurches. As I go tumbling into the water, headfirst, the last thing I see is the woman’s face, her smile suddenly morphed into a sickeningly evil grin.
Final Comments: This song was incredible.
Overall Rating: 😍

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This story was awesome. 😍
Jezlyn Lang
Thank you! 😊