Prompt: The inside of a birdcage.

The giant’s feet make the lock rattle against the metal bars. My hands fly to my ears to block out at least some of the high-pitched ringing.

The footsteps stop. A single, massive eye fills my vision.

“How is my little bird doing today?” the giant booms.

I wrap my arms around myself and huddle in the back corner. The glue holding the feathers to my arms is starting to peel and I can only hope that he doesn’t notice.

But, of course, he does.

“What has happened to my little bird?” he roars.

He fumbles at the key on the chain around his neck and there’s a horrific screech as the key enters the lock. Each turn of the key scrapes like nails across a chalkboard until finally, it’s over. The lock falls open and the hinges of the door scream.

I scramble to the back of the cage, but it’s no use. Fingers stretch toward me, curling to pinch my sides and pluck me from the cage.

Jezlyn Lang

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