Take Ten to Write

“Limits of the Ocean”

Prompt: Write a story titled “Limits of the Ocean”

“No one knows what lies at the bottom of the ocean,” Professor Greeg says. He twirls his thin white mustache around a finger. “This is a unique opportunity, and we must take advantage of it.” Abruptly, he snaps his fingers and his stormy grey eyes pierce mine. “You! You brought this creature to us, correct?”

My breath catches in my throat. “Er, yes, sir,” I choke out.

“Hmmph.” Professor Greeg gives me a look of disapproval. “And just how, exactly, did a child manage such a feat?”

A child? I’m sixteen years old! I may not have completed my training yet as an Ocean Explorer, but I was practically raised under the ocean. Of course, Professor Greeg doesn’t know any of this; after all, I’m just the sole survivor of the most recent failed expedition to the bottom of the ocean. The sole survivor, other than this hideous creature, that is.

The creature that is responsible for the deaths of my family. The creature that the Ocean Council now wants to celebrate as the newest and most exciting discovery. The creature that ruined my life, but is the single greatest discovery of everyone else’s.


Let me know your thoughts!