Take Ten to Write


Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

“My owl stuffie, Swoops, says “dough” whenever we say it. Write about someone who says a funny word all the time because they are under a spell.”

suggested by Mary

“Abracadabra, alakazam,
Make this human speak only the word ‘KABLAM!”

So, you see, I’ve had some difficulties over the past few years because of some ridiculous curse where I’ve only been able to speak the word ‘kablam’. It’s created quite a few difficulties at work, especially when I have big client meetings and whatnot. My boss has been on the verge of firing me more than once, but I just keep reminding her about how valuable I am.

So, I’ve still got a job, still got a house, still got a loving family and friends. Of course, I’ve missed out on certain things over the past few years, such as being able to attend public speaking events, but I’ve dealt with it. Sure, I haven’t been able to get a promotion since the curse, but at least I’ve still got a job.

I’m not going to lie: Saying only the word ‘kablam’ can get quite frustrating sometimes, especially if you forget to bring your phone with you or it runs out of battery. Honestly, people really don’t just have pens and paper lying around the house anymore, it’s crazy! So, when that happens, you bet I’m going to be charades-ing the crap out of what I want to say.

Drive-throughs can be tough too. Imagine working in a fast-food place and taking orders just to hear “KABLAM!” Yeah, I’d be pretty freaked out too.

Now, after years of struggling, I finally learn that there’s a countercurse.

Yeah, I know right? There’s been a countercurse this entire time and no one told me. To say that I’m mad would be a gross under-exaggeration.

So, that’s where I’m off to today. I’m going to visit this guy who can supposedly perform the countercurse and allow me to say something other than ‘kablam’.

Wish me luck.

Final Comments: Okay, I enjoyed writing this one. I think the combined inspiration of the prompt and beginning to watch Onward today really helped (it’s a great movie so far, by the way; I highly recommend watching it).

Overall Rating: 😄

Let me know your thoughts!