Take Ten to Write

“Journey to the Ancients”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: “Let go.”

The shimmering forms of my Brothers and Sisters stood at the edge of the cliff, their hooded cloaks containing their essence. They stood in a jagged circle around me, hands clasped in front of them, eyes pointed downward.

“High Commander Jason.”

A familiar, booming voice echoed around the clearing before disappearing down the cliff side.

I turned my attention to a slightly dimmer figure than the others. My second-in-command, Lieutenant Eric.

He stepped forward, breaking the sacred circle and the spell it brought with it. My Brothers and Sisters all raised their eyes and lowered their hoods to reveal their glowing faces.

My lieutenant looked me square in the eye. “High Commander, are you prepared for your Journey?”

I hesitated. A ripple of unease spread throughout the clearing. Never before had a High Commander hesitated before committing to their Journey.

Moments passed, yet I still didn’t answer. I couldn’t answer. I knew that it was my time, that I needed to take my Journey. My heart, my impossibly still-feeling heart, said otherwise. I didn’t want to leave. I wasn’t ready.

“High Commander?”

Lieutenant Eric watched me expectantly, his voice lowered and his eyes narrowed. I knew that he was eager to take my place after I left, to climb the ranks to finally become the High Commander.

Perhaps that was why I wasn’t prepared to leave. I had made a mistake in promoting Lieutenant Eric. He wasn’t fit to take command. So how could I entrust him with all the souls of Earth?

The lieutenant took a step forward, spreading his coldness toward me. “Jason,” he murmured, “it’s time to let go. You must embark on your Journey now. The Ancients await you.”

I couldn’t do it. Not yet.

I took a step toward him, repelling his coldness with my own. I stared him straight in the eye and spat, “No.”

Final Comments: This one turned out a bit creepier than I had originally thought it would… I’m also not completely happy with the ending; it feels unfinished and kind of anticlimactic.

Overall Rating: 😐


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