Hi there! My name is Jezlyn, and this is my blog, Novelist’s Notes. I love to write—mainly fantasy—and have been working on a novel for just over four years now. During that time, I’ve also worked on other projects, such as my Take Ten to Write challenge and this blog. Unfortunately, I’ve been neglecting Take Ten to Write and Novelist’s Notes a teeny tiny bit over the past year… Okay, fine, it’s been a few years. BUT it’s 2024 now. A new year means a new start. And let me tell you, I’ve got big plans for this year.

Take Ten to Write

I started Take Ten to Write all the way back in 2020 and actually posted pretty consistently for the first year and a bit. In total, I’ve written over 500 stories (honestly, I lost count since I hit the 500th story) before I lost momentum. My last post was on May 19, 2023. But, after my near-7-month-long break, I’m excited to get back into it!

My plan for Take Ten to Write in 2024 is to post one Take Ten to Write story every day on both my Instagram page (@TakingTenToWrite) and on my website. That’s pretty much it. Short and sweet, just like my Take Ten to Write stories!

Novelist’s Notes

When I first started Novelist’s Notes, I didn’t have a clear plan for what I wanted to do with it. That, and I was definitely overly ambitious with wanting to post every single day. It isn’t surprising that I lost steam quickly. That being said, I don’t want to abandon Novelist’s Notes completely.

So, as a (hopefully) more manageable schedule for Novelist’s Notes this year, my plan is to post once a week (on Mondays) on both my Instagram page (@NovelistsNotes) and on my website.


Ah, the big topic. Novels.

I’ve got lots of exciting projects in varying stages of progress. And when I say ‘lots’, I mean LOTS. Like, an unreasonable number. That being said, I do have a main goal for 2024, and that is to finally publish The Dimensioners. I’ve been working on editing it very slowly over the past year, and I’m sooo close. Part of me can’t wait to be done, and the other part doesn’t want to ever let it go. But more on that in a later blog post…

And as for my other projects? I can’t announce anything yet, because I honestly haven’t decided which one I want to tackle next. Just know that this is just the beginning.


Okay, to recap:

  • Take Ten to Write: Post one story every day.
  • Novelist’s Notes: Post once every week (on Mondays).
  • Novels: Publish The Dimensioners by the end of 2024.

Phew, I think that just about covers it! I’m so excited for this year of content, and I can’t wait to bring you along on this journey with me! Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you on the next post 🙂

P.S. If you haven’t read today’s Take Ten to Write story yet, check it out here!

Jezlyn Lang

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