“Intrusion of Light”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Light burst through the darkness, clawing between the rough bark. It wormed its way into the little crevices, rudely awakening the insects curled up inside. They tried to burrow deeper, to salvage a few more moments of sleep, but the light refused to leave. It washed over them, drowning them in its brightness.
The light penetrated the thick cover of leaves above. Surprised squawks filled the air, along with the frantic fluttering of wings. They became blinded by the sudden bright intrusion. They ducked their heads, trying to escape, but it was no use; the light was unstoppable.
Moments later, the noises began. Quiet at first, then joining the light in its horrible violation of peace. Garbled chatter, in a language unknown to the creatures of the Tree.
A single sound rose above the rest. Grinding, scratching, horrifying. Even the loudest of birds couldn’t have drowned it out. It grew louder, becoming so unbearable that the creatures abandoned any remaining hope of sleep.
They scattered, flying, scampering, crawling away into the night. None looked back to see their home fall to the ground behind them with a sickening thud.
Final Comments: I had a really fun time writing this one. Usually, my stories are more action-based, so it was nice to be able to include more descriptions.
Overall Rating: 🥰

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