“Inside the Camel’s Hump”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: “Inside the camel’s hump.” — suggested by BLu
“Are we almost there?” Nolin whispered, gripping his pickaxe close to his chest.
“Shh!” Ein hissed.
For once, Nolin shut his mouth. Even he knew what dangers lurked in the Camel’s Hump.
“Stay close to the wall,” Ein muttered, keeping one of his own hands grazing the wet and sticky wall. He could feel various growths of moss and fungi beneath his well-trained fingertips. By touch alone, he could identify each and every one of the plants they passed.
A clatter in the distance made him stop in his tracks. His fist shot up, and Nolin skidded to a stop behind him.
“It’s here,” Ein hissed.
Nolin’s heartbeat quickened as he firmly gripped his pickaxe with both hands. While he had known that there was a very good chance that they would run into the Beast of the Hump, he’d still foolishly hoped that they’d be blessed by some miracle and make it through safely.
In front of him, Ein drew his own pickaxe from the bag strapped onto his back. Slowly, he lifted the sharp tip until it was in line with his nose.
Turning back to his friend, Ein lifted a finger to his lips. Nolin nodded; his fear would be able to keep him from speaking.
Slowly, the pair inched forward. The darkness covered the Beast, shrouding it from their sight. It’s heavy breaths were the only indication that it existed at all.
Finally, the sound echoed from behind them. They had passed the Beast. Both Nolin and Ein let out a sigh of relief.
A third sigh followed, then a growl.
Final Comments: I imagined the ‘camel’s hump’ as a mountain or cave because I can’t even begin to imagine what’s inside a real camel’s hump.
Overall Rating: 🙂

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