Take Ten to Write

“Colour Battle”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Photo prompt by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

Foam frothed at the rocks as the liquid crashed against them. Bubbles sprouted from the surface, exploding with ear-splitting POP POP POPs.

I’d never seen anything so violent before, and that’s saying something; I once saw the battle for dominance between two eriknishacks. But this storm… Well, it was something else for sure.

The liquid–I couldn’t call it water, because it swirled with different shades of orange and pink–had a sort of aggression to it, almost as if it had a mind of its own. Perhaps it did. Perhaps the two colours were battling for dominance just as the eriknishaks did.

Of course, the very idea of inanimate objects battling for dominance may seem unlikely, if not impossible and ridiculous to even think about. But upon reflection, it really isn’t all that improbable.

Take magnets for example. If the two sides are not aligned, they will fight. Magnets are inanimate; therefore it is not impossible to think that inanimate objects fight.

But this brings me back to the question of the nature of the colours. Is it the colours that are fighting, or are the colours simply identifiers of the battling liquids?

I have concluded that more research must be conducted, and I will be returning to the source of the sighting next week.

Final Comments: My style of writing really changed as I went through this one, but it was fun to just run with it and not care about how different the end was from the beginning.

Overall Rating: 😄

Let me know your thoughts!