“In The Darkness”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
He tiptoed through the cave, trying desperately to not make a sound. His breathing was quick and shallow and his heart pounded in his chest.
He was tense, so tense that he could barely move. Yet, he knew that he had to. He knew that if he didn’t move, it would all be over.
A slight rumble from his right made his attention jerk to the side. In this millisecond of uncertainty, his foot knocked against a rock in his path.
He froze, but it was too late.
The beast was awake.
One massive, red eye snapped open. Its attention immediately landed on him.
He could only stand still and stare as two wings lifted from its back before slamming down onto the ground to lift the creature from its rest.
It rose slowly, first its body, then its long, coiling neck, and finally, its colossal head. Its scales glistened in the dim light of the cave.
All the while, it kept him in its sight, careful not to let the thief sneak away. It reared its head and let out a scream so frightful that he almost dropped his prize.
The beast rose onto its hind legs before landing heavily on the tips of its wings. It crouched in front of him, its eyes narrowed, intent on its prey.
It growled, baring its sharpened teeth.
It opened its mouth and he knew that it was over.
Final Comments: While I had a really clear image based on this music, I feel like I could’ve probably clarified the pronouns rather than just use ‘him’ and ‘it’ the whole time. I will say, though, that I do love a good dragon story!
Overall Rating: 😱

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