Take Ten to Write

“In The Cave”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

The cave is made of ice.

When I wake, the first thing I feel is that peculiar tingling sensation you get when you’re just regaining feeling in some part of your body.

Yeah, well I feel that everywhere. Not even exaggerating, the tingling is all over my body. And it’s intense. I can barely move, much less think.

When the tingling finally subsides, I’m suddenly extremely aware of the temperature.

It’s got to be at least forty degrees below right now. I mean, it’s freezing. Which I guess explains my lack of feeling when I woke up.

Wait, what am I doing here anyway? And where is ‘here’?

I can’t see anything around me other than just sheets of ice. That’s it. I’m in a cave made of ice. Unfortunately, I can’t see an exit tunnel or even a tunnel at all anywhere around here.

This cave is massive, though. The ceiling is so high that I can’t even see it–it’s hidden in the darkness at the top of the cave. I can see my breath and and feel the cold sneaking under my clothes.

I probably should’ve listened to my tour guide when he told me to wear a few extra layers. Then again, I didn’t really expect to fall asleep here.

At least, I don’t think that I did. Everything leading up to now is kind of fuzzy.

Honestly, right now, I want nothing more than to go home and curl up on my bed under a huge pile of blankets with my dog. Yeah, that sounds nice.

Now, I just need to find my way out of this massive ice cave…

I guess I’ll just start walking in one direction and see where it leads me. I mean, it’s better than just standing around here doing nothing, right?

Wait, what was that? It sounds like something made some of the ice fall.

It’s probably nothing. A bat or something, maybe?

No, but there’s that sound again. And it’s getting closer.

It’s louder now. I should run; whatever it is, it doesn’t sound good.

It’s almost upon me now. I can see the ice falling from the walls. The whole ground–no, the whole cave–is shaking now.

I see it now. It’s coming closer and closer. It’s hideous. I’ve never seen anything like it.

I’m not getting out of this cave. It’s too late…

Final Comments: Wow, I can’t believe that this is already my 50th Take Ten to Write story!! I can’t say that this one is one of my favourites… But I did enjoy the slight shift in POV to make it more personal (if that’s the right word for it). What do you think was in the cave? Leave a comment down below 🙂

Overall Rating: 😅

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