Take Ten to Write

“In the Beginning…”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: Write a story titled “In the Beginning…”.

In the beginning, there was nothing. Just a massive empty space. Now, this space wasn’t a vacuum; it was just pure nothingness. A completely blank canvas to be manipulated however one chose.

Sure enough, the nothingness didn’t last long. A being of great power–known today simply as Ik–happened upon this space of potential. He decided to create something of his own, a world if you will. But it wasn’t a world as we know today. No, he wanted to create something whimsical and completely his own.

So, he decided on a world that was flexible. Malleable, able to be shaped at will.

Ik made a world out of goo.

Now, it wasn’t the greatest concept, as nothing could exist on its surface. Nothing, not even the most stable of mountains, could stand on Ik’s planet.

And so, he returned to the drawing board. He destroyed his world of goo and tried something different.

He created a world of feathers.

his intention had been to make a world that was light and could be manipulated by even the lightest of breezes.

But, once again, nothing could survive on its surface.

Ik tried again and again to make a planet worthy of his grand imagination, but ultimately, he became frustrated and annoyed.

In the end, he gave up, and the space became vacant once more.

Final Comments: I have no idea what I just wrote…

Overall Rating: 😵

Let me know your thoughts!