Take Ten to Write


Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Music prompt: “Unending Time” by Elephant Music

The ice drifted across the ocean. It was bounced and tumbled. But it didn’t mind; it had no destination, no purpose. So, it was content being at the mercy of the waves.

It was pushed, further and further out to sea. The waves became more violent, shoving and kicking at the little piece of ice. It put up with the abuse. It had no other choice.

Eventually, the waves faded away, leaving the ice behind with a thin covering of foam. Pieces of its sides had been chipped away from its battering. Still, it limped on, floating atop the water.

As night fell, the water fell still. Moonlight glittered on the surface, reflecting across the water.

One spot in particular shone brighter than the rest. It sparkled and twinkled, mirroring the stars above.

The little piece of ice glimmered and shone as it lay atop the water, basking in the light of the moon.

Final Comments: I absolutely love this music. Made me feel poetic today!

Overall Rating: 😊

Let me know your thoughts!