Take Ten to Write

“Home At Last”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: Write a story titled “Home At Last”.

She’d waited so long to smell that familiar scent of lavender mixed with rotting fish that she’d come to miss. She’d fought goblins and witches and even a dragon to get back here, and now that she was back, she found that the place was even brighter and more joyful than when she’d left.

As she strolled down the worn track that led to her home, she thought about those times when she believed she’d never return. She thought that she would die from that fire-breathing worm or that knife-wielding octopus, yet here she was, about to open the front gate to her house, holding that same knife that had struck her side when the octopus’s seven other legs had distracted her.

Her arrival had drawn attention. Her neighbours had begun to gather, craning their necks to get a good look at her but keeping far enough away to make sure that the curse stayed with her. After all, anyone who left and returned was surely cursed, because who in their right mind would want to return to live in Sockstink?

Final Comments: This ended up getting more and more ridiculous… So I just went with it.

Overall Rating: 😅

Let me know your thoughts!