Take Ten to Write

“Here We Go Again”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: Write a story titled “Here We Go Again”.

Okay first of all, yes, I’m well aware that my story isn’t original. But while I’m stuck here in this infinite time loop, I thought that I might as well write about my experiences.

Let’s see, it’s been January 12th for the past five hundred and eighty-seven days now. Every single one of those days has been pretty much the same.

I wake up to my alarm at eight o’clock in the morning and make a breakfast out of whatever I have in the fridge. Then I go for a walk down to the beach and spend a few hours swimming with the fish. Next is lunchtime, one of the few times during the day that I change it up. I slowly make my way around town to try all the different restaurants. I think I’m on my thirty-second lap around by now. After lunch, I usually go to the library to read. Even after five hundred and eighty-seven days, I still haven’t really made a dent in all the available books. Finally, it’s dinnertime where I once again dig up whatever’s in the fridge before heading to bed.

Honestly, life isn’t all bad. But it isn’t great either.

Now, I know that it’s probably impossible that someone will ever read this little note, because of the whole infinite time loop situation, but on the off chance that someone does, if anyone ever invents a time machine, please let me know. Just… don’t bring me out into a year when tomorrow is a Friday.

Thank you.

Final Comments: Eh, this one was okay. Not my favourite to write–felt very list-like.

Overall Rating: 😕

Let me know your thoughts!