Take Ten to Write

“Her Revenge”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Music prompt: “Phoenix Ascent” by Really Slow Motion

The pile of rubble shook. Slowly, a hand emerged, pushing through the rocks and dust to claw at the air. Mud-caked fingernails gripped at the earth.

It felt like forever before she broke through the surface of the debris. Throwing her head back, she gulped in a breath of air. Her whole body shook as she pulled herself out from under the piles of rocks and back onto land. She coughed, expelling dust and a puff of smoke.

At the sound of her cough, gasps echoed around her. Soldiers scrambled away, their taunts and laughter dying on their lips. They no longer pointed at the pile of rubble, bragging about how easy it had been to take down the all-powerful Sorceress. She had survived the unsurvivable; they would not.

The ground trembled as the army began to run. Their feet scrambled across the dry sand. Some stumbled and fell, letting loose cries of fright. The ones that made it safely to the top of the crater believed that they were safe.

She was determined to show them otherwise. They had hurt her, tormented her, mocked her. They had taken everything from her, and still, they took more.

Never again.

She rose to her feet, her energy flooding through her body. Letting loose a ferocious cry, she threw her head back and opened her arms to the sky.

Flames erupted from the ground around her, forming a perfect circle. A gust of wind followed, spreading the fire outward. A few straggling soldiers were instantly incinerated. The others ran faster, for they knew what followed.

Final Comments: I loved writing this one! I had a clear picture of what I wanted this one to look like, and if I went back, I think that I would include more descriptions.

Overall Rating: 🥰

Let me know your thoughts!