Take Ten to Write

“Her Baby”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: Trumpet.

She trumpeted again, calling for her baby. Raising an ear, she strained to hear his reply. Nothing.

Her desperation grew. She struggled through the snow, her weight making her sink deep into the banks. Ice clung to her legs, creating crystals of clumped fur that weighed her down. Still, she trudged on. She would not abandon her baby.

Even as night fell, she continued on. The shadows grew around her, putting her on high alert of the slightest movement. Her head swung from side to side, tusks glistening in the rising moon. But it wasn’t enough of a threat; the night hunters approached.

They slunk through the shadows, hidden in the darkness. She could see their shining eyes, unblinking and unwavering, watching her every move. She could easily overpower one of the small creatures; this is why they chose to hunt in packs. When they converged on her, she would be overwhelmed.

Long, curved fangs trailed through the snow as the cats stalked their prey. If they could take her down, they would have food for months.

Her cries increased in volume. Their pitch had changed. She wasn’t calling her baby anymore; she was screaming for him to stay away.

Final Comments: This feels like the beginning of a Disney movie…

Overall Rating: 😢

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