Take Ten to Write

“Her Arrival”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: Bugle.

The singular, pure note of the bugle echoes over the horizon. Immediately, the village springs into action.

The children don’t need prompting from their parents; they know the drill. They hurry about, picking up their toys and placing them neatly back into their proper storage places. Then, they join their parents.

The adults without children herd the animals back into their pens. They take special care to count each animal before locking the gates. Then, they head to the main building.

The villagers line the streets and begin the final step of their preparations. One by one, they take a torch and dip the tip into the village fire. Each villager takes their place along the main road, torches raised, and they wait.

Just as the last person gets into place, the bugle sounds again. The dying rays of sunlight bathe the approaching figure on horseback. The bugle lets loose two final short blasts as the sun disappears and the figure emerges fully over the hill. The light of the flames frames her face as she urges her horse between the waiting villagers. One by one, the villagers drop to their knees as she passes them.

Final Comments: I realized after that this story would’ve been so much better if the bugle had been to announce the arrival of the moon rather than the arrival of a person. Oh well, might be a good idea for another story.

Overall Rating: 😕

Let me know your thoughts!