“He Never Looked Back”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
He walked down the street, footsteps echoing around the cold pavement. As he passed beneath the only working light, she was able to get a flickering glimpse of his face. He looked exactly the same as when she last saw him. That same shadow of a beard, that same silent confidence in his eyes.
She wished he would look at her again with those eyes. She wished for many things, most of them involving him. She continued wishing, even though she knew that he hadn’t thought of her once since that night.
So, for now, she settled for watching him. She watched as he continued down the street, gradually leaving the safety of the light.
Silently, she slipped down from her perch and followed. She made sure to stay well away from the light so that her shadow would not alert him. Her socked feet made only the softest sounds against the pavement as coldness seeped into her body. She pushed down the feeling; it was easy for her to push her feelings aside after having so much practice.
She quickened her pace, keeping close to the buildings for cover. Every once in a while, he would slow down and check his phone. That little light only refueled her anger; who was he texting? Was it that girl? Or had he already moved on to another?
Her fist tightened in her pocket as she closed the distance between them. He stopped at the intersection, looking left and right for safety.
But that was his mistake. He never looked back.
Final Comments: I haven’t written a thriller story in quite a while, but it felt good! I wish I could’ve included more emotional/setting descriptions, though.
Overall Rating: 😏


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