Take Ten to Write

“Happy Anniversary”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Photo prompt by Taylor Heery on Unsplash

“Pottery class?”


I raise an eyebrow at her. “Are you sure you don’t want to go to a nice restaurant or something for our anniversary?”

“I’m sure.”

She smiles sweetly at me and I feel my willpower crumble. “If that’s what you want to do…”

“It is.”

“…then we’ll go to a pottery class.”

“Yay!” she exclaims, leaping forward to give me a hug. “Thank you!”

“Mhmm,” I murmur, squeezing her back.

~ ~ ~

“Pottery class?” Hank stares at me. “Seriously?”

“That’s what she wants to do,” I say with a shrug. “Pass me the report from Tuesday.”

Hank hands me the folder. “She didn’t want a fancy dinner? That’s what Nancy always wants.”

“Nah, I asked.”

“Huh, okay. Well, have fun I guess.”

“Honestly, everything I do with Hailey is fun,” I say with a smile.

~ ~ ~

I arrive at the pottery gallery ten minutes early, armed with a bouquet of her favourite flowers.

“Hey,” a voice behind me says brightly.

I turn around to see her and I immediately smile. “Hey to you too,” I say. “Wow, you look… amazing. But is that appropriate attire for pottery?”

She smirks, lifting the skirt of her floor-length gown. Her curls fall in front of her face as she stretches up to kiss me.

“Well,” she says slowly, “look behind you.”

I turn around. “Yeah, there’s the building for our pottery class.”

She shakes her head with exasperation. “No, beside that building.”

She takes my hand and turns me. My mouth drops.

“No way,” I whisper. “You didn’t.”

“Surprise!” she says, kissing me on the cheek. “Did you really think that I’d make you go to a pottery class for our anniversary?”

“I would’ve been happy scrubbing toilets if I were doing it with you,” I tell her honestly.

She smiles. “I love you,” she says softly.

“I love you too,” I say, mirroring her smile. “Happy anniversary.”

Final Comments: Another longer one. I had a lot of fun with it!

Overall Rating: 🥰

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