Take Ten to Write


Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

“Are we all here?” Jake calls, peering over everyone’s heads. His brow furrows as he counts. “Okay, yes, we’re all here. Well thank you, everyone, for getting here on time.”

“We knew you’d come hunt us down if we didn’t!” Dave calls out from beside me. He turns and raises his hand for a high five, which I gladly give him.

Jake rolls his eyes with exasperation, but continues talking. “We’ve got exactly two and a half hours to get through security and to the other side of the airport before our flight takes off.”

“Do you really think it’ll take us that long?” Hanna murmurs into my ear.

A quick glance around the airport tells me that no, it definitely won’t take us two and a half hours to get through security. There’s about two other people here besides the seven of us. “I’m guessing it’ll take us around half an hour, to be honest.”

“Perfect,” she sighs. “I really need some food.”

“I brought you that bagel for breakfast! Did you not eat it?”

“I did eat it, and it was delicious by the way so thank you again. I’m just hungry again, that’s all.”

I chuckle and wrap my arm around her waist. “Okay, well that sounds about right. I’m sure Jake will let us stop to pick something up on the way to our gate.”

“Did I hear someone say ‘stop’?” Jake says, his eyes snapping to me. “Toby?”

“We just wanted to pick up some food on the way to the gate,” I repeat louder for him to hear. “It’ll take five minutes, tops.”

“Hmm, no, sorry, no can do,” Jake says, looking at his watch. “We’re already running ten minutes behind.”

“Dude, there’s, like, two other people here. I’m pretty sure we’ll be able to make it to our gate with plenty of time left over.”

“They’re serving food on the plane. You can survive until then.”

“Oh, come on, Jake,” Hanna whines. “Pleeeease? I’m gonna get hangry soon!”

Final Comments: Not sure why I was thinking about an airport. Maybe it’s because I miss travelling so much…

Overall Rating: 😥

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