Guest Stories

“Ha! In your dreams”

This Take Ten to Write story was submitted by E. L. Stew. Happy reading!

Sometimes I have dreams. Sometimes I even laugh in my dreams… but I never dream while laughing.

On days like today, I could only dream while laughing. How wrong I had been when I was a kid. The famous: what do you want to be when you grow up?

I had wanted to be an astronaut. And it wasn’t just a phase of my childhood. I had wanted to be an astronaut until 2 years ago when I had been launched out of my final bit of training before qualification. Where did I end up?

Stuck somewhere at the bottom of the corporate food chain.

It just infuriated me. I had wanted, and worked, and studied so darn hard for my dream of being Chris Hadfield’s protogé, and then they banned space travel?!

Let me know your thoughts!