Take Ten to Write

“Got To Go”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Photo prompt by Diana Akhmetianova on Unsplash

The door opens and I immediately perk up. He’s finally home!

I race to greet him, my tail wagging uncontrollably. I can’t wait to tell him about everything I did today. Oh, but I missed him so much. I need to tell him everything! Right now!

When I round the corner, I skid to a stop. He’s not alone.

She smells funny, like food. But not good food. Yucky green food that tastes disgusting and sometimes makes my stomach upset.

She bares her teeth at me and crouches down to meet my eyes. My tail curls and I copy her position, growling and crouching, ready to attack.

He shouts at me and grabs my collar before apologizing to her. I start whining. He doesn’t understand! She’s dangerous!

He bends down next to me and says some strange words. He points to her. She’s stood back up and is putting her coat on a hanger. But I can see her keeping an eye on me.

I can’t relax. Not while she’s here. But, he got mad when I growled at her, so maybe I’ll just pretend that I’ve calmed down until I can see the perfect moment to pounce. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do.

She puts her bag down next to the plants and an idea pops into my head. He pats me on the head before leading her into the other room.

I watch as they disappear from view before glancing back at the bag. I approach it cautiously, sniffing it and recoiling at the sharp scent. Yeah, this bag has definitely got to go.

Careful not to be heard, I take it in my teeth. Oh wow, I didn’t expect it to be this heavy. Still, I’ve got a job to do, and I won’t stop until it’s done.

I finally manage to lift the bag up and I shake it, listening to the contents being jostled around inside. Then, I place it back on the ground and hold it between my paws. I tug at the fabric, hearing the satisfying sound as it tears.


I freeze, my teeth still stuck deep in the fabric.

He marches toward me. He’s angry, but I don’t know why. I was doing him a favour! She needs to go!

She appears behind him and puts a hand over her mouth. He yells some things that I don’t understand. Then, he points at me and yells something I do understand that makes my heart break.

“Bad dog!”

Final Comments: I wish I could tell what dogs are thinking. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

Overall Rating: 😛

Let me know your thoughts!