“Good Boy”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Hi! My name is Bailey and I’m a very good boy. At least, that’s what my master tells me. He always says that I’m a very good boy. That makes me feel very happy and I can’t stop my tail from wagging so so fast.
Today, my master and I went for a walk in the forest. I love going on walks in the forest. There’s so many things to see and smell and taste! But there’s also a lot of bad things like squirrels. I hate squirrels. They always yell at my master and run around. I need to protect my master, so I yell back at them “Get away! This is my master!” I try chasing that mean squirrel away, but for some reason, my master tells me to stop and pulls back on my leash. Sometimes he even tells me that I’m a bad boy and it makes me feel very very bad.
But not today! Today, there were no mean squirrels, just lots of smells. Other dogs think that the forest is their territory, so I let them know that it’s my territory. Mine and my master’s.
My master and I do everything together. We go to the park and go on walks and even at home, I make sure to stay close to him so that nothing hurts him.
But sometimes, my master leaves without me and I get very sad. He says strange words before he leaves and gives me a pet and I think that he’s going to take me with him, but then he leaves without putting on my leash. When he does that, I lie at the door waiting for him to come home.
Being at home alone is no fun. I wish that my master could be around all the time and that we could play all day. But when I try to follow my master out the door without my leash, he says “No, Bailey,” and he pushes me down off his leg before closing the door in my face. I don’t understand why. I can tell that he’s sad when he leaves too. Why doesn’t he want to bring me with him? I can make him happy again!
When he comes home, it’s the best feeling ever. My tail wags so much that I think it’s going to fall off and I jump on him and kiss him and tell him how much I missed him. Sometimes, he even falls over backwards and laughs and hugs me.
I love my master so much. Almost as much as I love being a very good boy.
Final Comments: Dogs! I love dogs SO much, especially how hyper and excited they can be sometimes…
Overall Rating: 😁

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