“Golden Eyes”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
“Aren’t you supposed to be at the party?”
Katalikka spun around, heart pounding and hand jumping to her dagger, to see Lord Ekburn standing behind her, his face uncomfortably close to hers.
“M-my lord,” she said, taking a step away from him. She dipped her head in respect and he copied her movements. When she raised her eyes again, they met his piercing golden ones.
“Golden eyes,” Maverick’s voice whispered in her mind. “No one, not even the most powerful Veiler or Morpher, can replicate golden eyes. That, dear sister, is a display of true power.”
And yet, as Katalikka stared up into Lord Ekburn’s shimmering golden eyes, she found that she didn’t trust the man. Yes, his eyes marked him as a powerful man, but how did he use that power? To simply chase girls at parties? Or was there something more to him that Katalikka could not yet see?
“So?” Lord Ekburn prompted, closing the distance between them once again. “I thought that young noblewomen were taught to always answer questions they are being asked.”
Ah yes, young noblewomen. Katalikka supposed she should probably take a class or two in the fine art of being a spoilt brat if she were to continue Veiling as one.
Final Comments: Does anyone else hear their fantasy stories being spoken in a British accent as they write? Or is that just me?
Overall Rating: 😅

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