“Goblins and Dragons”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Write a story titled “Goblins and Dragons”.
“Quick, the Dragons are coming!”
Rob raced to the front line, his heart pounding. This was his moment of heroism. He had waited so long to be able to run to the front of his army and lead them forward.
This was his time to shine.
Heavy footsteps pounded across the floor, sending tremors up Rob’s legs. He looked up slowly to see the enemy.
The Dragons.
The leader of the Dragons, stopped directly in front of Rob. Smoke spiraled from his nostrils as he glared down at Rob.
“So, Goblin, we meet again,” he said, a growl rumbling in the back of his throat.
“So we do,” Rob replied, keeping his voice even. A part of him hated that he was lowering himself to the level of speaking to a Dragon, but he knew that it was necessary to show the Dragon that he wouldn’t stand being spoken down to.
The familiar fanfare played in the background, signalling the beginning of the war.
“Prepare for defeat,” Rob smirked before turning to face his army. “Listen up, everyone! Today, we make history. Today, we defeat the Dragons once and for all!”
He was met with an uproar of cheers and applause from his fellow soldiers.
On the opposite side of the battlefield, the Dragons mirrored the Goblins with their own roars for war.
The fanfare repeated and Rob turned to face the lead Dragon.
“Let’s do this,” the Dragon snarled.
The ball dropped. The fight began.
Final Comments: I wasn’t super inspired by this prompt, so this one was pretty difficult to write…
Overall Rating: 😕

"Your Moment"

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