Take Ten to Write

“For My People”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Additional Note: While this story can be read by itself, it is a continuation of yesterday’s Take Ten to Write story. Therefore, it would be beneficial to read The Calm Beneath the Storm first.

Quote prompt: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.” — Winston Churchill

I groan as I rise from the ground. The blast from the Pulse had thrown me and my soldiers back by several metres and I landed hard on my shoulder.

I look around and count how many men I have left. Seven. Seven men out of the thousand that I had led into battle.

Seven men are not nearly enough to bring down a Pulsebringer.

A spike of fear jolts through me and a cold sweat breaks out across my brow. This is it. We’re done for.

I stumble to my knees, barely aware of what else is going on around me. I’ve led my men through so many battles. I should’ve known that my luck would run out.

I watch, helpless, as the Pulsebringer removes his sword from the ground, leaving a gaping hole where the blade had pierced the earth. He walks slowly and calmly towards one of my shoulders. Without hesitation, he plunges his blade through the soldier’s heart. I wince as the body falls.


The sound of my name being croaked breaks through my daze and I peer through the dust to see my right-hand man, Ulren, lying on the ground. I rush to his side and see that his legs are crushed beneath a large chunk of rock that must have fallen during the Pulse.

“I’m sorry, Ulren,” I tell him, crouching by his side. Another man falls. “We did what we could. I’m afraid it’s too late for the city now.”

Ulren roughly grabs the front of my shirt and pulls me towards him. I feel his hot breath on my face as he rasps, “Do not tell me that you have given up.”

I hang my head in shame. “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more that I can do. No man can defeat a Pulsebringer.”

“You are no ordinary man,” Ulren growls. He looks me directly in the eye. “You are Rubien, son of Burleth, Prince of Hemrod. You passed the Trials of Faith. You single-handedly defeated the Yrgonian Giant. You protected your people when they needed you.” He pauses before emphasizing. “Your people need you now.”

As he speaks, the words flow through me, strengthening me. I feel my determination return.

My people do need me. They need me to protect them from this monster who wishes to destroy my home for no reason other than his own enjoyment.

But I will not allow it.

I look down to see that Ulren has gone to Wirrendrow. I close his eyes gently.

“Thank you, my friend,” I whisper. “Safe travels.”

Then, I rise, my hand firmly grasping the hilt of my sword. Immediately, the Pulsebringer’s attention is locked onto me. He withdraws his own sword from the body of my last remaining man and turns to me.

I clench my jaw and start walking towards him, preparing myself for battle. He smirks and strides towards me, confident and proud.

I scoff. I will not let him destroy my village. I will not let him hurt my people.

As my determination fills me, I grip my sword more tightly and race towards the Pulsebringer.

I will fight. For my people.

Final Comments: Okay, so I didn’t plan for this to be a continuation of yesterday’s story, but I just thought that the quote worked out so perfectly in relation to The Calm Beneath the Storm! I really enjoyed writing this one, especially with the differing points of view.

Overall Rating: 😄

Let me know your thoughts!