Take Ten to Write

“For Him”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

As I look down over the valley, my heart starts to ache.

He would have loved this place. To be where I am now. To feel what I’m feeling right now.

I remember his warmth. His comfort. His compassion. His understanding.

His unconditional love.

He had wanted for me to be able to live my life without fear of the darkness that had been shadowing our village. His heart had been so big. Too big.

I sit down heavily, clenching handfuls of grass in my fists. Wanting nothing more than to scream to let the whole world how much I miss him. How much I wish he were here with me right now.

But he isn’t. And I know that nothing will bring him back. Nothing can, because he sacrificed himself for me.

An act of true love. That’s always what it is in stories, isn’t it? Only an act of true love could save the world.

Well guess what. He saved the world. He did it for everyone, not just me. He thought that giving his own life to protect us from evil would be enough. Would make us happy.

But it doesn’t. I’m not happy. I miss him, more than anything.

Why did it have to be him? Why couldn’t it have been anyone else? Why did my big brother have to be the world’s saviour?

I release my pent-up breath in a deep sigh. I force my fingers to relax, wincing slightly at the pain from the marks my fingernails have made in my palms.

My brother made a choice. He chose to give his life to protect so many others.

And now I’m making a choice. I won’t let his death be in vain. I’m not going to waste this second chance that he gave me.

I’m going to live life to its fullest.

For him.

Final Comments: I wasn’t entirely sure where I was going with this one at first. Then, the pieces started falling into place and I ended on the hopeful note that I wanted. I enjoyed writing this one, and—even though it’s late again—it actually flowed easily.

Overall Rating: 😊

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