“Firesculpt Pt. 3”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
The man bowed his head slightly towards her. She frowned; he must’ve mistaken her for a noblewoman and maybe that was the only reason he felt so inclined to help her. Katalikka decided not to bother correcting him.
She helped him back to his feet and he leaned on her heavily as they started walking towards the city wall.
“My name is Lord Trystan Prescourt,” he says, breathing heavily.
“Prescourt?” Katalikka asked, glancing at him. “So you don’t live in Gottran, do you?”
The man shook his head and said, “No, I’m actually from Jestner. I’m here on business with the Westfoal family.”
Katalikka frowned. Jestner was a smaller city in Ylnet and she knew that the Westfoal family was notorious for being a firm believer in Province purity; they would never do business with a family from Ylnet.
Lord Trystan Prescourt was lying.
Katalikka raised her guard slightly but maintained the appearance of nonchalance; Prescourt had no reason to distrust her, and she wasn’t about to give him one. She led the way towards the Westfoal house. She had to give it to him: Prescourt was good. He fit into his role well and he had done his research. Unfortunately however, no one did their research more thoroughly than Katalikka.
“Are you going to tell me your name?” Prescourt asked, his limp gradually becoming less pronounced.
Katalikka smiled sweetly at him. “No.”
Prescourt stopped walking for a moment and studied her closely, a bemused smile playing on his lips.
“Alright,” he said. “How about where you’re from?”
Katalikka smirked. “No.”
Prescourt raised an eyebrow but continued walking in silence.
When they finally reached the Westfoal house, Prescourt walked right in, seemingly quite comfortable with his surroundings. He led her back to the dining hall, where a servant was waiting.
“My Lord!” the servant exclaimed, abruptly standing at attention. “Are you alright?”
Prescourt nodded and waved him off. “Yes, yes, I’m quite alright,” he responded quickly. “Fetch some food and drink for myself and my guest.”The servant hesitated for a moment before nodding and hurrying off to carry out his orders. Katalikka glanced at Prescourt. He was good. Very good. Too good, in fact.
Final Comments: Oops I got a bit carried away with this one… It’s just too much fun!!
Overall Rating: 😆

"Firesculpt Pt. 2"

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