Take Ten to Write


Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Katalikka trembled in her hiding spot, flames still burning around her. Her skin was raw and bloody from where the wooden pillar had fallen and scraped her, but otherwise, she wasn’t too badly hurt. From the distant cries and screams, she could tell that she had fared much better than most of the other people in the Citadel.

The flames started spreading closer towards Katalikka. She knew that she had to get out before she was burnt alive. She used all her strength to push through the fallen planks of wood around her until she successfully emerged into the ashes of the dining hall before her.

Burnt remains of bodies and furniture were strewn across the floor, forming a layer of death and decay. Katalikka gingerly stepped through the debris, trying her best not to allow her stomach to respond to the revolting smells and sights surrounding her.

As she picked her way through the ashes, she heard a quiet moan. She paused for a moment before continuing.

Don’t get distracted, Kat, she scolded herself. Distractions kill.

But another small whimper stopped her again. Katalikka sighed; she couldn’t just leave someone here to suffer.

She stayed silent and listened for another sound. It came quickly – a groan this time – and she tiptoed towards the noise, careful of where she was stepping. Finally, she found the source: a man pinned down under the splintered remains of a table. Coughing through the smoke, she looked around for any sign of orange. Then she remembered: the fire. It would work perfectly.

She reached towards the flickering flames and Extracted the orange pigments. She felt the familiar surge of energy within her and she channeled it towards the table on top of the man. She watched as the wood was Firesculpted into non-existence, revealing the suffering man underneath. She hurried to help him stand, well aware that the flames around her would soon be upon her. With the man’s arm wrapped tightly around her shoulders, Katalikka helped him stumble slowly towards the exit. She occasionally Firesculpted the flames in front of them out of existence, but she hated that she was making her only source of power disappear.

Final Comments: I’m trying to experiment with different characters in different situations. I’m still not sure whether I want Katalikka to Firesculpt or Crimsonveil or maybe both?

Overall Rating: 😮

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