Take Ten to Write


Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: “The first day of fall.” — prompt suggested by Lexi

I always dread the first day of fall. But this year is the worst of all.

We started preparations at the start of summer. The entire season was dull and grim. I guess we all knew what was waiting for us at the beginning of fall.

Throughout the summer, I helped my parents around the farm. Gradually, I’ve been taking over more and more of the chores. Yesterday, being the last day of summer, I finally completed everything by myself. I know that my parents are proud of me, but I’m not. I can’t be, not since I know what’s coming.

Yesterday evening, we held a huge party. It was a celebratory party, but I couldn’t get in the right mood. I watched as the younger children danced and laughed and sang together. I remember when I was as carefree as them. Then, of course, I learned the truth.

But even then, a part of me denied that the truth was actually the truth. I couldn’t believe that something like that would ever happen to me. Everything just seemed so normal. And I was happy. So happy.

But happiness can’t last forever. Because here we are now. The morning of the first day of fall.

My parents are already at the door, waiting for me to join them. I walk slowly, dragging my feet, trying to do whatever I can to prolong our journey to the big assembly. But I know I can’t be late. There would be major consequences if we missed the opening words of the President.

My parents usher me outside. I glance back, confused as to why they haven’t followed me yet. I catch them stealing one last look into the house before joining me.

Together, we walk to the assembly. We’re among the last of the families to arrive. I grab a seat between my parents and hold one of their hands in each of mine.

As the President makes his speech, I wish with all my might that he takes forever. I pray that his words slow down until they finally stop. I implore time to stop.

But it doesn’t. It trudges on, sickeningly reliable like always.

And then, it’s time. The entire crowd stands as a single unit. My parents both give me hugs and tell me how proud they are of me.

My words of love stick in my throat. I remain speechless as they walk away to join the others at the edge of the cliff.

All I can do is give them one last wave as they fall.

Final Comments: I really don’t know why that one was so dark…

Overall Rating: 😳

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