“Escaping the Stick”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Faye tumbled through the air as the long, squishy stick descended upon her. She fell onto a smooth, slippery surface, skidding as she landed. Her feet were barely able to find a grip as she spun around the polished, white floor.
Her backend hit something hard. Turning around, she saw that she’d bumped into a tall, square tree. In fact, there was a forest of them, extending both ways around her.
The stick returned, aimed directly at the tree she’d just collided with. She jumped out of the way just in time, watching with wide eyes as the stick easily smashed the tree down. A loud sound erupted from below the ground, sending vibrations up her spine. Faye couldn’t believe her eyes; the tree had already regrown. How was that possible?
The stick continued its rampage around her, creating earsplitting sounds and making it impossible for her to hold on. Even though she wanted nothing more than to fly away, her broken wing wouldn’t have it; she was stuck.
Finally, the stick departed after an especially loud and long bang. Dizzy and deaf, Faye stumbled her way back toward a tree before collapsing.
Final Comments: This one was so weird. But also pretty fun to imagine.
Overall Rating: 😳

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