“Energy Poisoning”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
I reach out to grab her arm, but she waves me off. “I’m fine,” she says before stumbling backward.
“Ellie, you’re obviously not fine,” I say firmly. “Let me help you sit down.”
“I’m fine,” she insists, her arm flapping to slap my hand away. “Just… a bit… dizzy…”
Her eyes flutter closed and her knees buckle. I lurch forward and grab her before her head hits the ground. Slowly, I lower her to the ground, my muscles screaming. Man, if Toby were here, he would’ve been able to easily carry her back to the hospital. I, on the other hand, can barely prevent her from crashing to the ground. Maybe I should go to the gym more.
“Ellie?” Her chest slowly rises and falls, and I let out a sigh of relief. At least she’s still breathing.
“Hold on, Ellie,” I say. “I’m calling for help now.”
My hand reaches for my phone and finds an empty pocket. Right, because I was trying to get some quiet time away from Toby. Well this is just perfect.
I stand up and try to peer through the trees for even the slightest glimpse of movement. “Help!” I shout. “Is anybody there?! I need help!”
I could’ve sworn that the sun was shining brightly just a few minutes ago. Of course, now, night seems to have decided to begin early.
“Help!” I cry. Panic begins rising to my throat and I choke on the word. “H-hel-help!”
A fit of coughing from behind me makes my heart jump. I spin around to see Ellie’s eyes wide open, fists clenched as her chest heaves from her coughs.
“J-Jake,” she rasps, her eyes turning to me. “You n-need to-“
Another fit of coughs overtakes her. She rolls onto her side, clutching her stomach.
I walk closer and start kneeling by her side, but before my knee hits the ground, an Air Reaction throws me back. I land hard on my back with a groan. As I slowly sit back up, I see Ellie slowly lowering her trembling hand, her simple Air Reaction appearing to have taken an unusual amount of Energy from her.
Final Comments: What if your magic poisoned you?
Overall Rating: 😬

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