“Empty Lobby”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Keyboard.
The keys clack together as I place them onto their proper spots on the board. I don’t remember the hotel ever being this busy before; I’ve been constantly checking people in and signing them out. The keys are barely back onto their hooks before I have to take them off to give to the next set of customers.
The phone rings. I glance at the display and see that it’s from room 113.
I pick up the phone. A woman with a thick Italian accent starts trying to order room service, so I direct her to the appropriate line.
When I put the phone away I finally have a chance to sit down and rest my feet. I always hate festival season. Then again, I much prefer them to the off-season when we have almost no customers. I hate to admit it, but getting paid really is a great motivator.
The phone rings again and I let out a sigh as I stand up to go get it. I should really move the phone closer to my chair so that I don’t have to keep getting up.
This time, the display shows that the call is from our penthouse suite. I pick it up and answer in the usual fashion.
Except I’m met with thick, loud static. I almost drop the phone as the sound pierces my ear.
I’m about to hang up when I begin to hear deep breathing through the static. I nervously try to get them to speak, but I just keep hearing breathing.
The longer I listen, the louder and more laboured the breathing becomes. I try not to panic as I continue speaking to the person on the other side. If we both panicked, it would just make the entire situation so much worse.
I look around the lobby for anyone who could help me. Figures; of course this would be the one time during festival season that the lobby is completely silent.
I’m about to hang up so I can call someone to go check on the penthouse when the breathing stops. A second later, the static disappears as well.
In its place comes a clear voice that makes my heart stop.
“You will be dead before sunset.”
Final Comments: Eh, the last line wasn’t amazing, but I couldn’t really think of anything else that was menacing.
Overall Rating: 😬

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